Drive System Design (DSD) is an award-winning engineering consultancy specialising in the engineering, development, test and control of future electrified and conventional driveline systems.

DSD’s expertise is transferable to many industries around the world, so accordingly, we must comply with all export and import laws and regulations.

Export Controls

Export controls are  adopted  by governments around the world to restrict the export of certain categories of goods, sensitive technology, software and services in order to prevent misuse of conventional weapons, illegitimate development and proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), and to counter international threats such as terrorism.

For DSD these controls embrace all ‘military’ items and significant areas of what are called ‘dual-use’ items (items that are not designed for military purposes but could be used as such).

Commitment to Compliance

DSD understands the importance of export control compliance, takes our responsibilities
seriously and is strongly committed to complying with all relevant UK and international export control laws, regulations and procedures. Our commitment to export controls compliance includes

    • Adherence to the ECJU Compliance Code of Practise
    • Promoting awareness, knowledge and understanding of export control regimes
    • Developing clear export control policies and effective procedures and processes including appropriate record keeping and internal audit arrangements.
    • Providing advice and training to support our employees
    • Ensuring that all necessary licences are applied for prior to exporting any controlled goods or technology, and that any licences we hold are correctly used in line with their terms and conditions
    • Keeping up to date with evolving legislation and relevant regulations

Responsible Person

Jason Allen (Managing Director) has overall responsibility for ensuring DSD complies with applicable import and export laws and regulations when transferring goods, services, software and technology. To enhance efficiency and lessen the risk of failure to comply, day-to-day responsibilities have been delegated to several employees, these are detailed in DSD’s Export Compliance Procedure.